Welcome to the Strange Knit blog. My husband, Mr. Zombie and I have been happily married since 2002. We are childless couple unless God changes our plan. Rosemary, a schnoodle and Zoey, a rat terrier provide many hours of entertainment. Our zoo is rounded out by two cats, George and Fred.
Our life can be complicated at times due to my agoraphobia with panic attacks, major depressive disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorder. Mr. Zombie is extremely supportive and understanding with my condition. Many people have far worse struggles but mine can still be crippling.
Our eventual goal is to be self sustainable in a major midwest city. We use a wood burning stove in the winter. In the spring, we plan to start our first garden on our property. Next harvest, our first canning session will begin so we can rely less on big box stores.
In the future, my blog will include our journey to self sustainability, my crafting, our little zoo, and my mental illness struggles. Feel free to email me at StrangeKnit@gmail.com'
17 hours ago